Making Digital Transformation Accessible For Every Utility

At Infrasync we enable utilities take the next step in their digital transformation. Connect existing utility data with scalable tools such as Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services. Integrate new technology innovations such as distributed sensors or digital twins.

Connecting Utilities with Technology
Connect Existing Utility Data

Smart Utility - Database Integrations

By connecting their data, utilities are able to establish healthy data governanance and be proactive for the challenges of the day.

We provide data mapping to help utilities uncover all their existing data. This connects SCADA, Billing, Work Order, and more into a common database for utilities to work from.

We connect this into Utility owned databases such as Microsoft Azure or Amazon Web Service to help utilities connect their data. 


Smart Utility - Hardware & Software Integrations

Smart Utility - Hardware & Software Integrations

Deploying new technology can be complex and cumbersome because of the need to work with existing infrastructure and systems. 

We understand complex utility systems and new technology. We provide integrations of sensors, software, hardware, and services to connect new technology to the utilities existing systems. 

Know exactly how many news sensors and where to place them. Then connect it all with the best fit software to monitor and response 24/7. 


ENGINEERING FOUNDER - Andrew Swirsky is a Professional Engineer in multiple states including the leading markets of Texas, California, and Florida. He has over a decade of experience solving water problems with new technology.

DATA FOUNDER - Daniel Swirsky is a data management and analysis guru. He has worked across multiple industries such including acricultule, finance, and energy. His passion is to solving organizational and technology issues with healthy data governance. 


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